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Defense Electronics

High-power mobile electronics, like those used in defence applications, need the highest levels of thermal performance, reliability, and weight reduction. Alloy’s proprietary aluminum components meet those needs with designs that can’t be fabricated using traditional methods.

Alloy Parts Have The Whole Package - Higher Performance, Lower Weight and Improved Reliability

Electronic components are getting increasing powerful at the same time they are increasingly mobile. With mobility comes new requirements for weight reduction and robustness, without sacrificing thermal performance. Alloy’s proprietary parts deliver on all three dimensions.


Improved Thermal Control

Targeted cooling enables focused heat extraction

Single-piece Construction

Eliminate the risk of expensive field failures and simplify the design

Lower Weight

Aluminum is the material of choice for low-weight thermal applications.

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How Can We Help?

Alloy solutions provide lightweighting, integrated cooling, power efficiency, and system optimization to help prevent overheating while ensuring optimal performance for protecting resources such as high density servers, critical IT equipment, and machinery.